Monty Duhe starts as guard at Whynebourgh.
Serina Duhe starts as guard at Whynebourgh.
Monty Duhe starts dating Jenny Banks.
Samuel and Lady Glenda of Whyne and their son, Sir Conrad and Captain Stanley Banks continues to the castle, while Monty Duhe separetes his Captain from his agritated sister, Serina to take her home.
At home, Monty Duhe informs his sister, Serina, he had been unfaitfull with the niece of Lady Glenda of Whyne, Charity Carbolt, and Jenny Banks had broken up with him.
Still mad at Stanley Banks, Serina Duhe is hugging Charity Carbolt, and answers: Well done, brother.
Monty Duhe prolongs his shift at the gate, while Serina and Charity are snogly chatting, and when Alec replaces him at the gate, he returns home, where he's snoging his sister, before he bangs with Charity Carbolt.
In the afternoon at the home of the Duhe's, Charity Carbolt tells, she'd been appointed as envoy of Whyne Shire, and as such, she need to go back to Guttric Shire to passing a message to her mother, and take care of some issues, she had left behind. She's taken Serina Duhe with her as guard, before she is planing to return to Monty.
An shy Chilieen LaVine is serving them supper, which they are eating with a bottle of Steinmetz from the locale brewery.
After supper, Johnny Lavine approches the two girls, and he asks Charity Carbolt, what happent to Howar Thauwn, who Charity was traveling with before?
No thing, Charity Carbolt replies, he was just an eager coupler, who used for warming her bed for her for a while, but she just didn't love him.
While the tension disappears, Johnny LaVine gets an other bottle of Steinmetz, Chileen admits, she has a cross at Howar Thaunw, and she has slept with him, when he returned alone.
When Johnny LaVine returns with the bottle, Charity Carbolt is exchanging expierineces with Howar Thaunw as lover with Chileen LaVine, and Johnny begins cuddling and kissing Serina Duhe.
When Charity Carbolt and Serina Duhe had resined to thier accomodation, Charity Carbolt handles Serina a bottle of contraception potion, and asks if Serina wants to thry, if Johnny LaVine got a hotter bed, that the one, she got here at the accomedation?
Serina Duhe grabs the bottle, and goes to the apartment of Johnny LaVine, where she loudly is bumping the uglies with him the rest of the night.
Next morning, Johnny LaVine and Serina Duhe wake up together, and stay in bed snoging, before they go down for breakfast.
When Johnny LaVine and Serina Duhe are arriving at last, Charity Carbolt tells them, she have arranged thet they are leaving for Gloosh first thing tomorrow, so they got a night more to finsh, what they had started, and that Chileen will follow them to Gloosh.
Next morning Charity Carbolt and Serina Duhe are leaving Athore on the wagon of Chileen LaVine, after Serina had kissed and cuddled Johnny goodbey.
Two days later, it starts to snow, while Charity Carbolt, Serina Duhe and Chileen LaVine approches the forest to Gloosh.
It has became dusk and they are freezing, before Children LaVine is driving in to The Vand at Gloosh, and a very happy Howar Thaunw is cuddling Chileen welcome, where as Justin Thaunw is recieving Charity Carbolt and Serina Duhe, and books an accomedation for the two girls.
Carol Thaunw is cooking them a hot and cosy supper, which they eat, while Howar Thaunw contantly are snogging Chileen LaVine, before they resigns to bed.
At their accomedation of Charity Carbolt and Serina Duhe, they can hiar, Howar Thaunw bumping the uglies with Chileen LaVine, and a jaloux Charity complaims, that Chileen is crying of joy to loud, when Howar pokes her, but Serina Duhe point out, that Charity isn't too shy herself, to let everbody know, when her brother, Monty is poking her.
Next morning, it is Still snowing, and while Charity Carbolt goes down to the harbour to a get transportation to Wondon Shire, Serina Duhe is staying at home, thinking about the love, she'd made with with Johnny LaVine, and remebers, it could have token place, if not be, if Charity Carbolt didn't gave her a bottle of contraception potion.
Serina Duhe starts to wonder, why Charity had brougt contraception potion with her, when she's not going to shag with her brother, Monty.
At night at their accomedation, Serina Duhe curiosly asks Charity Carbolt why she brougt contraception potion with her, and Charity answers, she isn't used to be sleepping alone, so she wants to be prepared, if she meets a blok, she fancy to lay with. Serina Duhe is discontempting.
Charity Carbolt busted in to the house of Roger Full, and finds him scruwing her friend Moyo Wardon, and gets mad at him.
Moyo Wardon pushes Roger Full away, and hugs her friend Charity Carbolt.
Roger Full tries to hug Charity Carbolt too, but she kicks him in his nuts as reply.
While Roger Full is tendering his hurtful nuts, and Moyo Wardon gets dressing, Rik Full catches up with the girls, and worried ask, if Roger can help him unload his boad?
While Charity Carbolt is rushing to The Rooster Claw to see her family, she explaines to, the chocked Serina Duhe, Roger Full was her former lover, who she had been unfaitful with so many times, and he'd promised to help getting Moyo Wardon out of the dungeon. Not to screw with her.
At The Rooster Claw, Charity Carbolt is hugging her cousin, Glen Scott, before he find an accomedation for her and Serina Duhe.
Glenn Scott asks Moyo Wardon, if she has finiched getting layed by Roger Full, she can get some lunch and at bottle of Henderson's for Charity Carbolt and Serina Duhe.
At lunch a sky Moyo Wardon is serving lunch and a bottle of Henderson's for Charity Carbolt and Serina Duhe, and excuses for having breeding with the boyfriend of Charity.
Charity Carbolt feels sorry for her friend, and while snogging her, and she sais she knows Roger Full is a hell of a stunner, that's why I was so unfaitful with him before, but now, she's only doing it with Monty Duhe, and she'll never be unfaitful to him.
Mournful Moyo Wardon tells, She became upkeeper for Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric, and fell in love with him, and theyconstandly made love, until Lady Allyson of Guttric acused her of bewitching her son, and she end up in to dungeon of Wondon for witchCraft, but she never bewitched him, I was just in love with him.
Last Winter, the dungeon keeper, Edwin Rowley puted me in a cage as a witch, and drov me to The Rooster Claw, and told me to be obidiant here.
Roger Full was the first nice blok, she meet, and he wanted to fornicate with her, and Moyo Wardon let him breed with her, afait of being accused of being a witch again. Now, she just wants to go home to her parents, at Guttric Castle.
Next morning, the wife of the cousin of Charity Carbolt, Mattie Scott, is serving breafast for Charity and Serina Duhe. She has been talking to her husband, Glenn about Moyo Wardon, whom she worked with. She got a cousin, who is married to the tailer at Guttric Bridge, and the husband of my cousin, Remond Darron, can take Moyo Wardon in as his maid, and keep her under the needle, and do a better job, than Roger Full can.
Still mad at Roger Full, Charity Carbolt thinks it's a good idea, and though the shortest way to Guttric Castle, is though the mountains, she might take a deture throgh Guttric Bridge, to get her friend Moyo Wardon allocated to Guttric Bridge. She will ask Moyo Wardon about it.
Next morning, Mattie Scott is serving breafast, and Charity Carbolt is saying goodbey to her cousin, Glenn, at The Rooster Claw, before she, Serina Duhe and Moyo Wardon are heading of for Guttric Bridge.
Two days later in the evening, Charity Carbolt are ordering a accomedation for herself, Serina Duhe and Moyo Wardon at The Small Sins at Guttric Bridge.
Next morning, Maria Wolff, is serving breafast for Charity Carbolt, Serina Duhe and Moyo Wardon, before they goes to the tailer.
At the tailor, Charity Carbolt introduces Moyo Wardon to Remond Darron, as the former upkeeper at Guttric Castle, and the daugther of Amos Wardon, a guard of The Castle. She gives him a recomidation from Mattie Scott, and did not mentions, Moyo had being in the dungeon of Wondon Castle for witchcarfing.
Remond Darron takes on Moyo Wardon as her new maid.
In the evening, Charity Carbolt, Serina Duhe are enjoying a bottle of Thayn's at The Small Sins, while Moyo Wardon gets entertained by Waldo Darron, who she has bewitched with her presence.
Charity Carbolt is whispering to her friend, Moyo Wardon, to be casious! She will not save her again from doing witchcrafting, and Charity's aunt, Lady Allyson of Guttric probably still is angy at her.
Moyo Carbolt whisperly replies to Charity Carbolt, she's casious, and after having Roger Full jumping at her, she's not going to bumping the uglies with Waldo Darron as the for a while, though he's cute, Moyo thinks.
Just bw careful, Charity Carbolt replies to Moyo Wardon, and wish her good luck. She and Serina Duhe will go to The Castle tomorrow, and she'll tell the parents of Moyo, she's well and where to find her, but she mustn't go to the Castle herself. Charity cannot save her there.
Next morning, Charity Carbolt and Serina Duhe depart from Guttric Bridge, and are traveling throgh the forest, and at noon, they start climbing up the mountains up to Guttric Castle.
In the evening, Charity Carbolt and Serina Duhe are stoped at the castle gate by a shy Eisia Wardon , the sister of Moyo Wardon.
Charity Carbolt tells Eisia Wardon, her sister, Moyo, had squabbled with her aunt, Lady Allyson of Guttric, so she's dismissed from the castle, but safely installed at Guttric Bridge.
Charity Carbolt wants to know, how Eisia Wardon is doing?
Shyly Eisia Wardon admits, she's dating the former boyfriend of Charity Carbolt, Arthur Bardek.
Charity Carbolt hugs Eisia Wardon again. She doesn't care. She was always had been cheating on Arthur Bardek anyway, but she liked canoodling with him.
Charity Carbolt introduces Serina Duhe as her comming sister in law, and wish Eisia Wardon some good humping with Arthur Bardek, but Eisia Wardon replies replies, she hasn't done it yet.
Charity Carbolt feels sorry for Arthur Bardek, and gifts Eisia Wardon with the rest of her contraception potion, before she wents in to the castle to see her parents.
At night, Charity Carbolt and Serina Duhe a last, are getting to the apartment of the Captain Of Guttric Castle, Cyrus Carbolt, who is the father of Charity.
Charity Carbolt is introducing Serina Duhe as her comming sister in law, and guard of Lady Glenda of Whyne to her parent, Cyrus and Indra Carbolt, and hugs her brother Tristan and Lynn.
At bed, Serina Duhe gigglingly confesses, she's now sure, the lunchbox of the brother, Monty, is safe at Charity Carbolt, and the fanny of Charity needs now more guarding, but she's not so sure about her brother's nuts.
Charity Carbolt admits, she is very much in love with Monty Duhe, and promises to be really will care for his nuts casiously .
Charity Carbolt reports to her mother, Indra Carbolt, her sister. the husband of Lady Glenda of Whyne, Sir Sir Gareth has a ill father, and she can't come to the initiation of Lady Allyson of Guttric.
Though Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric now is entertaining him self with Gemma Wedman, Lady Allyson of Guttric still suspects, Charity Carbolt has something to do with the bewitching of her son to Moyo Wardon, so she'll casiously tell her sister, that Lady Glenda of Whyne can't come.
The brother of Charity Carbolt, Tristan, congrales her finding a boyfriend, she loves. and tells, he is still single after Joel Madron got pregnant with Douglass Miller from Wondon.
The sister of Charity Carbolt, Lynn, is equally impressed, she is only having a fling with one of the guards at the castle and the brother of Moyo Wardon, but she hasn't boffed with him yet.
Charity Carbolt gravely replies her sister Lynn, Charity has just gifted the rest of her contraception potion to Eisia Wardon, she must get some contraception from Sullivan & Sukri at Nooxy Joint, before she's beds him.
Monty Duhe marries Charity Carbolt.